
September 2012

Skate NI would like to welcome back all our past and new members. The committee has lots of exciting ideas for the following year and is working hard to bring forward inter club competitions and a Christmas show!

We would like to welcome our new Test Coordinator Janet Brown. Janet has many years of experience as a judge and we all look forward to working with her.

Could I please remind everyone to fill out the Skate NI membership forms which are available to download. Becoming a member has many benefits, especially funding opportunities for competing so its well worth joining at only £10 for an individual membership or £15 for a family membership.

The new membership form is now available for download – Membership Form


This years AGM will be held on 27th September in the Ice Bowl, time to be confirmed

Committee Meeting

The next committee meeting will be held on Thursday 13th September at 630pm.

Funding Opportunities

Funding Opportunities are available for Skate NI members, please find further information here. If you feel you meet this criteria then please contact Skate NI committee for details on how to apply.

Skating Tests

Congratulations to all Skate NI members who taking skating tests this month. Well done!!